To Our Valued Customers
Hermco™ gets a substantial amount of enquires every year from property owners/users that are interested in our Overhead door balancing systems. As an OEM, it is important for us to direct new sales to our dealers.
If you can give us your story on the Hermco™ product (see the comments below) we will gladly add in your business connections for you to link in to
the best springless door balancing system that clients want to buy.
For any Counter Weight problems or doors to be balanced, HERMCO is our main suppler in this field.
30 year customer – Sherbrooke, QC.
We have 20 doors with the Hermco Systems attached and have been for the last 10 years!. We find that the Hermco System is the way to go, far better then springs for our car & truck wash and they are still running!
– Shane Rogers
Rudy’s Highway Car & Truck Wash– Fort St. John, BC.
“We installed 26 Hermco Counterweights on a variety of door sized more then 8 years ago, and have no problems at all. If the customer has the money to invest up front, they will get their money back in no time as the systems are reliable and almost maintenance free.”
– Nedd Schommer
EZ-Glide Garage Doors and Openers– Little Chute, Wisconsin
920-788-3561 –
“We installed many Hermco Systems for years and I’ve forgotten how long ago. They are very well built and reliable, they provide the best balance of all the counterweight systems. We would definitely supply and support the Hermco System to any customer who requires the product.”
– Gord Ryan
Maritime Car Wash Sales & Service– Little Chute, Wisconsin
(902)-861-4747 –
“We have been using the Hermco System for many (20) years, and it does work and has stood the test of time. For high cycle doors, this system is the cat’s –s.
Our installed 20 x 16 high cycle doors at a production facility are a 100% setup for our customer using the Hermco counterweight systems.”
– David Veenstra
Cornwall Door Systems – Cornwall, Ontario
“We like the Hermco Products and promote them for high cycle applications. Some of the early installations have probably gone more then a million cycles (over 10 years).
We would like to see more architects and builders consider these systems for their projects. Building owners should be aware that this springless system will save them a huge amount in replacement costs over the years. Not to mention the loss of security and down time while waiting for broken springs to be manufactured and replaced.”
– Jack Berlin
North Bay Overhead Doors Inc – San Rafael, California
(415)-499-0602 –
“We have customers with 9 or 10 good size doors in bus and courier depots that are using the Hermco Counterweight System installed 10 to 15 years ago on high cycle setups, and everyone is very happy with them. I think my customers have forgotten how many times we used to change their springs. In the long run, the Hermco System has proven itself and we stand behind it 100%.
– Bob Bonnet
Bonnet Sales & Service, Inc.– Central Square, New York
(315)-676-4603 –
“We operate a large high service auto spa, and in this very corrosive atmosphere the Hermco Counterweight product is awesome. Too few people know how good it is, and some door companies refuse to promote or install it, even after acknowledging it is the best high cycle system- “because it last too long and has a low revenue stream.”
YES, you have to maintain it like greasing and checking, and YES we change cables every 2 years as a preventative measure and as a consumable. But I have 8 doors and I know we have saved at least $20,000 over the last 10 years with the Hermco Counterweight products. Insist on the Hermco on any high cycle doors you have- don’t install anything else!
This is not the 100 miles to the gallon carburetor; Hermco is the 250 miles to the gallon carburetor for high cycle overhead doors.”
– Malkeet Aheer
WestCreek Auto Wash – Chestermere, Alberta
(403)-569-8399 –
“We installed 9 doors at a car rental company more than 5 years ago with Hermco Counterweight Systems on their auto wash facility. We could not keep springs on these high cycle sectional doors, and the Hermco product solved this problem even as they ran the daylights out of them since day one and with cars hitting them all the time.
We also have a Hermco system installed on a door at our showroom for our customers to see how it works.
Given the opportunity, we would offer the Hermco System on any high cycle sectional door because the product is good, and has the test of time to prove it! ”
– Steve Bergh – General Manager
Door Systems of Alaska Inc. – Chugiak, Alaska
“We installed a Hermco counterweight system on a wide sectional door in 1993 and have been watching it for over 22 years now. The installation is in a Condo/apartment complex parking garage under the building in Anchorage, Alaska.
Average annual cycles on the door are 9260 +-. The counterweight system is clean, quiet and requires very little maintenance as compared to systems that have torsion spring counterbalance systems.
The Hermco counterweight hardware will out last the industry standard sectional door face hardware and track rollers. The counterweight system adds value, safety, reduces down time & security breaches, increases the useful life of the door system along with reduced maintenance costs through the life of the product for the end users and owners.”
– Rob Lupton
Doorman Service Co. – Anchorage, Alaska
(907) 562-3318
“We installed a Hermco counterweight system on a wide sectional door in 1993 and have been watching it for over 22 years now. The installation is in a Condo/apartment complex parking garage under the building in Anchorage, Alaska. Average annual cycles on the door are 9260 +-. The counterweight system is clean, quiet and requires very little maintenance as compared to systems that have torsion spring counterbalance systems.
The Hermco counterweight hardware will out last the industry standard sectional door face hardware and track rollers. The counterweight system adds value, safety, reduces down time & security breaches, increases the useful life of the door system along with reduced maintenance costs through the life of the product for the end users and owners.”
– Nate Nelzen
Cheney Door Company Inc. – Wichita, Kansas
“We installed some heavy 16 ft. high doors approximately 3 years ago, and have had no problems with the 16″ and 10″ dia. Hermco Counterweight Systems installed.”
– Chris Klingele
S.C.I. Door– Wichita, Kansas
“We had some obstacles to overcome in the integration of the Hermco 2000 System to our modified door design, however we succeeded. The 2000 system functions as we intended, for the high cycle usage of these sectional doors in this high rise apartment complex.”
– Tim Moore- Commercial-Industrial Division
James R. Pitcairn, Inc. – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
“Your Twin Systems are great, and did exactly what it is supposed to do. They got us out of a big mess.”
– Joel Young
Young Door Service, Inc. – Brookings, South Dakota
“We use Hermco in high cycle area on our Sunshine door, because they outlast any spring system. Hermco will work as long we have gravity and gravity has been around forever! Nothing works as well as a Hermco Counterweight System in a high cycle car wash installation! -Nothing!”
– Dan Murdock – President
Door Masters Inc., Manufacturers of Sunshine Doors – Red Deer, Alberta
“We are very pleased with the Hermco Counterweight Systems we have installed in Portland. They are reliable, affordable, and we continue to promote them!”
– Scott Burgoyne
Jack’s Overhead Door Inc. – Portland, Oregon
“The Hermco System works well for us on our high cycle gate type doors, even with some installations on the outside of building entrance ways.”
– Nelson Kwok
Creative Door Services Inc. – Vancouver, British Columbia
“I am very happy with your Counterweight system & drums!”
– Adam Labaj
The Finish Line Carwash – Melrose Park, Illinois
“The Hermco Counterweight system is the best investment I ever made on my car wash doors. I tell everyone, I like it better then springs and it’s a pity that this Canadian product is not better known- especially around here!”
– Al Sczepanski
Mister Kleen Carwash – Whitehall, Wisconsin
“We installed a large 20 x 7 high cycle Lexan garage door in a high rise retirement building in 1997 with a Hermco M2000 Counterweight and 500,000 cycle hardware kit. The customer is so happy with the performance of this class A door, and says it is “quiet and works just fine”.
When considering the potential annual costs of changing noisy springs over the last 16 years, the Hermco counterweight system has no competition on long term value, and is the best ROI for high cycle doors.
– Joe Lesich
Owen Sound Garage Door – Owen Sound, Ontario
“We have a general contractor that just loves the Hermco System for high cycle doors. Along with the ability to hand tip balance the doors, they remove all that effort and hassle changing a spring, especially on quad setups etc.
We also have a major large customer who insists the Hermco System absolutely must be on all their doors- some stores with 20 or 30 doors at a time! Our opinion is all positive when installed correctly, with no noise like springs give, and with regular cable maintenance/changes the only drawback might be side room issues which is minor on the overall performance of the Hermco Counterweight Systems.”
– Randy Pehling
Quality Overhead Door Co. – Rochester, Minnesota
“Although originally we got off on the wrong foot with the counterweights, we now believe that the Hermco System is a decent product on the correct application especially high cycle installations, etc.
We certainly would be supportive of any request to use the Hermco Counterweight units on an ongoing basis.”
– Brent Read
Eastern Overhead Doors – Oshawa, Ontario
“Here in San Francisco we mainly see only rolling steel door setups, but on the high cycle sectional doors there are quite a few Hermco systems that for the most part, just keep going. I love your stuff. The two local M2000 doors we look after and maintain have been repaired from car hits etc., but the Hermco counterweights just don’t wear out. We think you should contact more architects and convince them to specify your system instead of springs on very high cycle doors, and even work with the rolling steel door manufactures to offer them a better solution for high cycle rolling steel doors. Better for us that the balance system lasts as long as the doors- the customers would be better served.”
– Carlo Doyle
United California Glass & Door San Francisco, California
“They are a great idea! We have systems out there for over 5-6 years now that I bet have gone 500,000 cycles. Most times we never hear from our customers unless we get an odd cable to replace.”
– Glen Brunskill
The Overhead Door Company of Regina – Regina, Saskatchewan
(306) 545-4040
“I enjoyed your website! How are you relaying the information to the various property managers. You know as well as I do that faxing, letter, and even phone calls do not receive large responses. I don’t think you will ever get a good response from advertising in the property management magazines wither. You know hoe the old saying goes…if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
With over 20 years of working on every kind of system, I know the Hermco system is a stand-up product. The main reason the majority of door service companies won’t sell your product, is the fact they realize that they won’t get near the amount of service calls on this system.
We have serviced a management company with this system and in 5 years never had to change a single cable. The only time major service was required is when the door was hit by a car. Even then, we only had to replace sections with a few rollers & hinges, not the Hermco systems or cables.
As a qualified door service company, we would be extremely happy to install you high quality system!”
– Randy McKenzie
A.T.B. Overhead Door & Mechanical Service Inc. – Etobicoke, Ontario
(416) 747-9270
Under Floor to Vertical- increasing weight: “Went well, worked well using gear head operator. It is working well.”
– David V. Uhouse
Industrial Overhead Door Co. – Austin, Texas
[Architect: Bryan Sweet- (519) 301-0076 – Installed 1999]
“We have used Hermco products in one of London’s prestige’s hotels underground parking (very high volume of valet parking traffic). Problem: Standard overhead springs = failure approx., every 6 to 8 months + $$$ + Customer Frustration.
Solution: Hermco System = continuous use for 4 years, 1 x cable change = Customer Satisfaction.”
Edwards Door Systems – London, Ontarios
(519) 659-0452
“A quiet, smooth running door. Very low maintenance.”
Georgian Highlands Overhead Door – Meaford, Ontario
(519) 538-2965
“Excellent quality, doors work great, good concept!”
Henley Garage Door Service – St. Catharines, Ontario
(905) 641-0070
“Very reliable maintenance free counterbalance system!”
Overhead Door of Montreal – Ville D’Anjou, Quebec
(905) 641-0070
“With operational costs raisung in other area, it is comforting to know we will not be paying continuous repair expenses on these doors, thanks to your 5 years, 500,000 cycle warranty.
I am looking forward to the day when we will replace the other 2 doors on our site with your Hermco 2000 counterweight system.”
– Nick Kaloger
G.P.M. – North York, Ontario
(905) 641-0070
“The original single door also operated on the counterweight principle, but was notorious or chronic servicing and repairs, to the tune of over $2,000 each year. Since the retrofit to the Hermco 2000 doors, breakdowns and servicing have been virtually non-existent, of operation since its installation.”
– Marke Garcia
Assetplus –North York, Ontario
(905) 641-0070
“Thank you for your prompt and courteous service throughout the door replacement project.
The door operates quietly and efficiently, and the work was neat and non-disruptive. In addition, the appearance of the door itself is a great improvement.
We also expect that the residents of the building will enjoy many years without the inconvenience and expense of the breakdowns which we have been experiencing with the conventional spring operated doors.
Again, it was a pleasure dealing with you, and I will confidently pass your name along to my colleagues.”
– Reid Property Management and Consulting Services Ltd. – Ottawa, Ontario
(905) 641-0070
“Our (car care facility) installed our first counterweight system on new insulated, hand operated (chain) doors in 1991. It was our intent to add electric operators later but we have never found it necessary as the doors operate smoothly and effortlessly.
We have recently replaced the overhead doors at this facility with insulated doors, air operators, and counterweight balance. They operate very well and it is our intention to replace any future doors with air operators and counterweight.”
Sunshine Super Wash Orillia, Ontario
“We have a customer with the federal government as a tenant in a very busy building. We used to be in there every week 52 weeks a year replacing springs & repairing doors.
The landlord was given an ultimatum by the Fed’s – fix the unreliable doors or we will not renew the lease.
We installed a Hermco System on the new door and almost never go back. The cycle counts now show over 3 million cycles. We lost a lot of service, but kept a very satisfied customer and our good reputation.”
– New York, USA
“We have used Newton’s Apple on 3 jobs and have found the service, advice, and shipping to be excellent!”
“Service and call backs from manufacturer is great. The product is the only way for High Cycle Doors!”